Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sex ID

While surfing the BBC website I came across this six part survey consisting of several psychological tests. This test aims to, "...further investigate theories about brain sex differences and to make new discoveries." I decided to take the test and I must say the results were quite interesting.

"...The BBC collaborated with a team of psychologists to create Sex ID, which brings together a series of separate psychological tests related to brain sex differences for the first time...Most scientists agree that men and women are of equal intelligence, but some believe that they may have differing mental strengths and weaknesses, on average."

The experts
The BBC collaborated with the following experimental psychologists and their laboratory staff members to create the Sex ID test:

Dr Simon Baron-Cohen
Autism Research Centre, Cambridge, UK

Dr Richard Lippa
California State University, Fullerton, USA

Dr John Manning
University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK

Prof David Perrett
University of St Andrews, St Andrews, UK

Dr Stian Reimers
University of Warwick, Coventry,

Take the Sex ID Test!


Mad Hatter said...

can i be as cool as you when i grow up? you find the coolest stuff and the most interesting studies on line!